A fog had overcome the land at that point, swallowing it whole. Light still poured in from angles unknown. Slight breeze filled the damp air, then suddenly I could see two.
The one on the left, an aura with something flowing and smooth. A silky streamer continuous through and through. A delicate dance soft and ornate. Colors flying like flags in the air as light hit the prisms and split into flowers and rainbows. Full of ornate order and exhilaration. Each motion precise and calculated–expected but never less joyful. My heart pounded with joy and elation at every turn. The law of marginal utility here didn’t seem to pull me back in, I grew to love the predictability. The beauty of the motion never dulling. Something that could only be described as the edge of eternity if I were still living.
A voice spoke “if you stray the beauty turns green of envy. The elation you feel now will be replaced with jealousy. You will know the motions are meant for another. You will know you’ve fallen out of favor. Even if she doesn’t know your heart will betray your secret.”
The one on the right, an aura with flashes and floods. Jagged edges the figure was full of wrath. Lightning striking the figure to keep energy in balance. Random and unpredictable full of chaos. Every so often a loud sound pierces the surroundings and I jumped along with the world. Startled out of my comfort. I was never the object of its wrath, instead it seemed to hit the darkest reaches of the universe and fill them with light. The thing that brought me out of comfort, and ruined my peace, brought me back into the pasture.
A voice echoed the flashes in thunder “keep your honor and you shall be protected for all of your days. Remain in love and you will never be the object of wrath despite the rapidly changing world. The enemies shall feel his wrath and know his full power and strength.”