Why are Republicans in the US banning or making it harder to receive care for trans people?

First of all, to the conservative Republican, transgender people don’t really exist. They just consider us as people who are simply confused about their gender and/or are hiding other problems behind “transgenderism.” Secondly putting together any sort of anti LGBTQ+ agenda could be a golden ticket to the top. Republicans are really energized right now… Continue reading Why are Republicans in the US banning or making it harder to receive care for trans people?

War against Self

Content Warning: Transphobic post. There’s a war raging on in me. A war against my self. I don’t know which part of “self” is more authentic. Is it the one that I find during introspection–the one that emerges when doing soul seeking? The one that has always put herself last and is sick of it?… Continue reading War against Self

Does everything have a problem?

I wish I would write more when things are good. Today I have no energy and don’t want to write at all. I’m not even sure what to write. I’m just deflated and want to go back to bed. Normal life I guess. Emotions: Overwhelmed, Stressed, Ashamed, Guilty, Remorseful, Depressed, Discouraged, Deflated, Hurt, Lonely, Excluded,… Continue reading Does everything have a problem?